Portrait: Backyard Lumberjack Photoshoot

As a born-and-raised Pacific Northwesterner living in the eco-friendly bastion that is Portland, Oregon you learn pretty quickly that recycling is a big deal. So when a neighboring tree was cut down, I channelled my inner hippy and got to thinking of ways to reuse and pay tribute to the magnificent tree and make a cool photo out of it's leftovers.

Thus, the backyard lumberjack was born.


Using the Sun, an AlienBee B800 with a softbox, a Canon Speedlite 580 EX II and one VERY excited pup, we turned the backyard into our own little studio:

aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait
aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait
aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait
aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait
aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait
aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait
aaron marineau photography lumberjack dog portrait

All that's left now is to chop up the wood, buy some s'mores materials, and the Summer camping prep is complete!